Ten of Pentacles

Ten_of_PentaclesIntroduction: The 10 of Pentacles is a very positive omen. It can mean that your material wishes will be met – perhaps to a degree that you would not have thought possible, and that in general, things will be going exceedingly well for you. Security in all forms is at a high ebb.

General: The 10 of Pentacles in general says that you have a great deal to be thankful for. Relationships of all kinds, finance, health, all should be going well. Consider how you got to this happy situation. Make the best of it, and be sure to share what you have, even if it’s only a kind word spoken to someone in need. We get back what we give out.

Work: A raise in pay or a better position may come to you out of the blue when the Ten of Pentacles appears. You are very likely to enjoy this new situation. This is also an excellent omen when you are looking for work. Just the right position, at just the right pay, is likely to be made yours if you keep trying. Under no circumstances should you give up. Things are on the upswing, even if you see no concrete signs of this yet.

Love: The 10 of Pentacles is a very happy indicator with regard to love. If you are currently committed, this card can mean that you will move to the next level; living together, engagement, marriage, childbirth, all can be indicated by this card. For a time, you are likely to have a peaceful, happy period in your love life. Enjoy it, and make sure your beloved knows how much they mean to you. If you’re not in a relationship, this card can mean that a new love may come into your life so fast it makes your head spin. Be open.

Finances: When the 10 of Pentacles appears, the answer to any financial question is likely to be a resounding and upbeat “yes.” Money should be flowing better than it has done for a while. You should have more than enough money to meet your needs. Invest in your future and save some of what is coming in now.

Health: As with any other category with the 10 of Pentacles, the health-related news should be very good. You will have at least a short period of time that you are feeling exceptionally well and upbeat about your future. Give thought to how you may support and continue this good health.

Spirituality: This will be a time of peace, joy, and prosperity for you. How will you share this? How can you deepen your spiritual growth and exploration when you are already happy and doing well? Revel in these good feelings. Share them in whatever way you can. Record them so that when times get difficult again (as life is always a cycle) you can refer back to this happy time and remember that happiness will come again.

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