Six of Cups

Six_of_CupsIntroduction: The 6 of Cups is often a card about nostalgia; looking back on how things “used” to be. It can be (but is not always) connected with children or childhood.

General: It’s important not to spend too much time and effort thinking about the “good old days.” We all have happy memories to reflect on from time to time, but if we start thinking that the “best of all years have gone by”, then that can become a self fulfilling prophecy.

Work: This is an excellent time for work that involves some level of creativity. If your work does not, make a point to spend a little time drawing, painting, or writing, scrapbooking – whatever you fancy that allows a little creativity – in your personal time. Your day job will go better for you as a result.

Love: If you’re currently in a romantic relationship, this card can indicate that a relationship may need to be “refocused” toward the future. Talk about your goals and dreams. Try new things. It’s important now not to be stuck in the past. On occasion this card will signify the re-appearance of an old lover in your life. Think long and hard before re-starting an old romance. Exes are usually “exes” for a reason.

Finances: If you’re looking for ways to invest money, or to make a little extra money, pay particular attention to things that are retro or nostalgic, or things that appeal to children. Money may come to you from someone from your past or through inheritance (this of course does not mean that someone close to you is necessarily going to pass).

Health: If you’re experiencing health problems, the appearance of this card can mean that you need to truly go back to childhood to examine where the roots of your physical problems might lie. (Hint: the emotional is very often tied to the physical.) Talk therapy may be very useful. You may want to make a point to talk to family members about the physical problems that they have faced, and make sure that you have a clear idea of your family’s medical history.

Spirituality: Ritual of any kind can be helpful to you spiritually now. You may find beauty and meaning in re-creating some of the spiritual rituals that you knew as a child; this does not mean that you must go back to your earliest spiritual traditions and follow them exactly, updating and re-inventing your old traditions will serve you very well at this time.

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