Queen of Wands


Introduction: The Queen of Wands is one of the most fertile (metaphorically and literally) and feminine/womanly energies in the Tarot deck. In a reading, like all court cards, she can often signify a literal person in our lives, most often female, and most often with hair tending toward the lighter shades in the spectrum. The Queen brings good energy, and is a positive sign to receive.

General: The Queen of Wands can also refer to a woman who has a lot of fire energy about her e.g. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. When not referring to a literal person, she stands for getting a lot accomplished, and often, a focus on work/career. The Queen is positive, uplifting energy. When she stands in for a woman in your life, she’s a good friend, who is solidly on your side, even though she may seem a bit self-absorbed. If you are trying to conceive and this card appears, it’s one of the most positive signs that there can be.

Work: When the Queen of Wands appears in a reading about work, you are going to get a great deal accomplished successfully in a short period of time – this is a very positive omen. If you are looking for work, this Queen can mean that a woman (usually with light-colored hair) will be instrumental in helping you find employment. All in all, things will be looking up professionally.

Love: Again, this Queen is a very positive omen in the context of love relationships. If you are looking for love, this can mean that you’ll meet someone suitable through a light haired friend or acquaintance. You aren’t in the mood to be on your own now. Get out, mingle, trust yourself and the universe to bring you the love and support you want and need.

Finances: You may be tempted to get carried away buying things when this Queen appears – exercise moderation or you may come to regret your expenditures. This doesn’t mean money will be bad, it just means that you are not in the mood to think before spending. Your home surroundings are a good place to put your efforts now. But home improvement doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Be creative.

Health: In general the Queen of Wands is a very positive sign of health. Your energy level and vitality should be good, and again, if pregnancy is a possibility for you, whether you’re ready or not, the Queen says that you could very well conceive soon. So if you are not in the market, take the appropriate precautions, and then some. You are likely to be at least a little keyed up when the Queen appears; make time for rest and relaxation, no matter what.

Spirituality: You are suddenly likely to be spiritually hungry when the Queen of Wands appears. There’s nothing wrong with that, but don’t get carried away thinking you’ve suddenly found “THE” total answer you’ve been looking for your entire life and sell everything you own, for example, to join a spiritual group in another country. Take your time, read and reflect, talk to lots of people, before making huge life changes. Your exploration is admirable. Crossing over into huge life-changing decisions without full consideration might not be as healthy.

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