Seven of Wands

Seven_of_WandsIntroduction: When the 7 of Wands appears, you are likely to find that in any sort of competitive situation, that you come out on top. Things should be going very well, you should be feeling good, and projects should be moving right along. You may still have regular moments of self-doubt, unfortunately, but now is time to feel the fear, and do it anyway.

General: Don’t hesitate to make where you stand clear to people. Your thinking is clear, and you are likely to help someone out by spelling things out for them. This card can indicate that a change is coming – a positive change – in your personal or business life. This card also points toward being independent and thinking for yourself.

Work: If you’ve ever wanted to be self-employed, now is the time to give this a great deal of thought and to do your homework. You have the wherewithal to make your own business work, IF you are willing to put in the time and effort it will take to make it happen. Be logical, however. If you can start your business while still employed elsewhere, it makes sense to do so.

Love: If you are already committed, don’t hesitate to speak your mind to your beloved. This will only improve your relationship as long as you are simultaneously considerate of the way in which you speak your mind. If single, this card can indicate that you are about to meet someone new away from your usual haunts. Try something new.

Finances: Expect an increase. You end up with a year-end bonus you were not suspecting, something you own is worth more than you thought, in short, money is on the upswing. Be sensible with how you use and invest this money. Think long-term.

Health: You may be worrying unnecessarily. Even when facing serious health challenges, a positive attitude can work wonders. If you suspect something is wrong with your physical being, insist that your medical providers check it out for you. If your usual doctor will not check it out, look until you find a doctor who will. Trust your instincts.

Spirituality: By facing your fears and turning them to your advantage, you grow even stronger, and ready to face the next obstacle in your path. Indeed, there can be no courage without fear to inspire it. That fear does not need to be your master any more. If an opportunity calls you, cast away your doubt and go for it with courage in your hands. If you feel that now is the time to take a step towards your dream, throw hesitation to the winds and let nothing stand in your way. In short, whatever your clear desires are, go for them!

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