Five of Wands

Five_of_WandsIntroduction: The 5 of Wands often refers to competition. Usually this is in the career/work arena, but sometimes it can refer to romantic rivals. Don’t be afraid of competing, know that you have something to offer, and can be successful. But you have to try, to see results.

General: When this card appears, your need to believe in yourself is stronger than ever now. Hold your head up high, and have faith that you will end up in the place that is right for you. You may be thinking of making a career change. Know that you can be successful, if so.

Work: Know that you are facing competition, but if you play your cards right, that you can compete successfully. The only way to lose for sure is not to try. Play fair even if all around you are not doing so. People who play dirty may seem to win in the short term, but as Gandhi said, that sort of win is never, ever permanent.

Love: The person you have your eye on may be being pursued by several people. Even so, give it your best shot. You need to know that you have done all that you can for this relationship where your heart is involved. This can also work the other way and mean that you are going to be pursued by several interested people romantically.

Finances: Even though money may be tight, try to look at your financial situation calmly and dispassionately. You may not be able to meet all your obligations immediately. That does not mean that you will never be able to meet them. Do what you can, and be honest about the situation. Things will be better financially soon, likely in a matter of weeks.

Health: You may be frustrated in your search for answers about your health. If you’re being blocked, pushing forward may not be the best response. Sometimes the best solution is to go around the obstacle. At minimum, give yourself a break for a few hours. You could use the rest. You may be working far too hard, which could affect your health negatively.

Spirituality: It’s difficult to grow spiritually if you are running around like a chicken with your head cut off. Take time to rest, to do nothing. Create space for yourself to be quiet and hear the music of the spheres. Life is not all about competition. Everyone needs room sometimes to just be. Give yourself this gift of time and space, and you should see and feel spiritual growth in response.

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