Nine of Cups


Introduction: The 9 of Cups is one of the most uplifting and pleasant cards to receive in a reading. Known often as the “wish card” it can mean that what you are hoping for or dreaming about most is very likely to be yours – in a brief period of time, generally, too.

General: The appearance of this card is usually a portent of happiness, and good things about to come. It also usually means that what you want is likely to come into being in your life. If asking a yes/no type of question, this card is the most powerful indicator of “yes”, but like everything else in the tarot, that is not carved in stone.

Work: Good luck that you hadn’t counted on could be yours. If you have a big dream, or are working on a project that has been stalled, this could be the month that it moves forward finally. If you’ve been interviewing for a job, this could be the time that the one you were really hoping for finally comes through.

Love: This card is a very good omen for your love life. If you’re already in a relationship, it’s very possible that it will deepen and become better and sweeter. If you’re single, this is a great time to meet people. Get out, mingle, have conversations with the people that you meet without being wedded to any potential outcome. The idea is to have fun.

Finances: As this card is a very powerful positive harbinger, it speaks well of your finances, also. This card can mean that the financial situation you are visualizing may well come to pass, although probably not exactly in the way that you wished for it to do.

Health: In general this is likely to be a very serene period in the context of your health. If you have recently had to have tests done, the results are very likely to be to your liking. Use the good energy of this time to reinforce or enhance your habits, adding or increasing exercise or adding to your knowledge of nutrition.

Spirituality: This is an important time to notice, and improve on, your use of positive affirmation and visualization and the ways in which they can enrich your life on every level. Trust yourself. Dream big, then take steps to make them come about.

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