Four of Cups

Four_of_CupsIntroduction: The 4 of Cups is a card about wishful thinking. It warns us to remember to pay attention to what “is” now, and the many blessings we each currently experience, and not to worry too much about “what could be.” It is all too easy to overlook what we already have in the pursuit of what we don’t have.

General: Be sure that you are “counting your blessings.” Don’t spend too much time in self-pity or wishing your life away. A lot of life has to do with where we put our focus. Put your focus on the things and people in your life that you have to be thankful for. Consider a gratitude journal.

Work: You may not like your job very much, but at least it keeps food on the table. In today’s modern throwaway age job security is a thing of the past. NO job is 100% secure as many have found out to their cost. Be thankful that you are not one of them. Remember that it is rare for any of us to ever be truly completely trapped.

Love: Look hard at yourself as to whether you are being realistic with regards to love. Do you have your heart set to the exclusion of everyone else? On someone who isn’t giving you very much back or who is quite literally unavailable?

Finances: Focus on your strengths, on what you do have and can do, not what you can’t do and don’t have. If you’re not where you want to be financially, make specific goals and plans about where that “is,” and then chart the steps it will take you to get there. Look your financial situation squarely in the eye (know exactly where you “are” financially) as this can only help you.

Health: Focus on the positive. If you are having physical problems, remember that things do not always have to be the way they are right now, health wise. Pay attention to diet, exercise, and making time to rest/eat healthfully. You may need to reach out to a trusted counselor or friend to get help in “moving beyond” where you are healthwise at the moment.

Spirituality: Wishful thinking can take it’s toll on the spiritual aspect of life, as when we are caught up in “poor me” thinking or “I wish things were different,” it tends to blind us to the beauty of what IS in our lives, right now. Stay constant and grounded in the present moment. If you can’t keep a “gratitude journal” and write down things you feel grateful for every day, at least make a list of twenty people/situations/things in your life that you are grateful for now. Thinking along these lines can elevate your “spiritual mindset” immensely, and quickly.

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